Trademark IP Firm, Trademark IP Law Firm, Trademark IP Agent, Trademark IP Attorney, Trademark IP Lawyer in Finland Listed by Areas of Law
Roschier, Attorneys Ltd
Roschier, Attorneys Ltd. Kasarmikatu 21 A FI-00130 +358 20 506 6000Intellectual property is at the heart of the Nordic economies, and its significance to the competitiveness of any globally operating company cannot be overstated. Our clients have tremendous knowledge at their disposal, as our Intellectual Property practice is among the largest and most experienced IP practices in the Nordic region. Our team members are experienced […]
Borenius Attorneys Ltd
Borenius Attorneys Ltd Eteläesplanadi 2, 00130 +358 20 713 33A law firm is more than just a business. A successful law firm is much more than a sum of its practice areas. As a firm, we believe in a strong unified corporate culture where all practices and practitioners share the same values, mission and strategy. This means we constantly focus on building and maintaining […]
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Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd
Eteläesplanadi 20 / P.O.Box 333 00130 / 00131 Hannes Snellman is a Nordic law firm working on matters of significant importance for our clients. What sets us apart is the way we take ownership of matters entrusted [...] -
Backström & Co
Kasarmikatu 44 FI-00130 Over the years Backström & Co has achieved an established position as a front-ranking law firm and has particularly gained recognition on its expertise in intellectual property law and [...] -
Bird & Bird
Bird & Bird is an international law firm with a focus on helping organisations being changed by technology and the digital world. With over 1300 lawyers in 30 offices [...]