Trademark, Patent, Design, Copyright (Pakistan)

IRSA Trademark & Patent Attorneys

9, Abu Bakar Block, Al Hafiz Town, 80 Foot Road, near Officers Marghzar Colony, Lahore 03224774205 Contact the IP Law Firm

Firm's Overview

IRSA Trademark & Patent Attorneys is mainly engaged in Intellectual Property Affairs (IPA) encompassing patent, trademark, copyright, domain name, unfair competition, etc. Our firm provides clients with full-range, top-notch, effective and practical Intellectual Property Protection services from prosecution to litigation. Our practice covers various industries including pharmaceuticals, mechanics, electronics to chemistry and other technical fields.

Our mission is to strive to make a difference for every client by providing expertise, responsiveness & results. We want to develop long-term client relationships by going above and beyond our client’s expectations: to employ cutting-edge communications and legal research technology; to provide state-of-the art legal representation; to hire the most qualified attorneys and staff; and provide an exciting work environment in which to practice law.

We take care from the very beginning of every client relationship, we establish a strong foundation by meeting with our clients and developing a step-by-step plan by presenting options and strategies for success.

Our law firm is staffed with senior lawyers, patent attorneys and trademark attorneys with rich experience in the relevant fields, many of whom are graduates from most reputable universities. We boast of a group of highly devoted professionals of competence, experience and diligence.

We are an advocate of the idea of business globalization and since its inception, our firm has made admirable achievements with steady growth of business. As many world-famed law offices/firms choose us as their Intellectual Property Partner in Pakistan thanks to our good reputation in this industry. Oriented to an international clientele, our firm has been maintaining long-term working relationship with more than 500 law offices and multinational companies in the world.

More Information on IRSA Trademark & Patent Attorneys
