Legal Articles: Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design, Copyright, IPR
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Trademark registration dossier in Austria
Trademark registration in Austria is an important activity for businesses wishing to do business in the Austrian market. The right to a trademark in Austria will be granted to the individual or company using the mark for the first time in Austria. The trademark registration process in Austria involves several steps. Here is an overview […]
Trademark registration dossier in Bahrain
Trademark registration dossier in Bahrain. Bahrain is a country in the Persian Gulf. Bahrain has one of the fastest-growing economies in the Arab world. Therefore, many businesses want to expand their activities into this market and one of the most important processes before entering a market is to register and own a unique trademark here […]
Trademark registration dossier in Bangladesh
Trademark registration in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a country in South Asia. It is the eighth-most populous country in the world. Bangladesh is also one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and one of the fastest-growing middle-income countries. Many businesses want to expand into this country and thrive along with the development of Bangladesh. Therefore, it is […]
Trademark registration dossier in Belarus
Trademark registration in Belarus. Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. Belarus is a developing country ranking very high in the Human Development Index. It has been a member of the United Nations since its founding and a member of the CIS, the CSTO, the EAEU, and the Non-Aligned Movement. It has shown no […]
Trademark registration dossier in Brazil
Trademark registration dossier in Brazil. Trademark registration is a very important activity for businesses wishing to do business in the Brazilian market, the rights to the trademark in Brazil will be granted to the individual or company using the mark for the first time in this country. To register a trademark in Brazil, you will […]
Trademark registration dossier in Belgium
Trademark registration in Belgium. Belgium is a member of Benelux which is the union of the countries of Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Therefore, if an applicant registers a trademark through the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) in Belgium, it will be granted protection in all three-member countries of Benelux. Furthermore, the members of Benelux […]
Trademark registration dossier in Bolivia
Trademark registration dossier in Bolivia. Bolivia is a landlocked country located in western-central South America. The registration of a trademark in Bolivia grants the owner the protection of the trademark and its exclusive use to defend the mark against third parties in all the Bolivian territory. To register a trademark in Bolivia, you will need […]
Patent registration in Bahrain
Patent registration in Bahrain – Any company that owns a patent and intends to expand its business in the Bahrain market as well as create lasting value and find investors for its patent or patent licensing should use Bahrain’s patent system in the future. It is paramount for businesses to file a patent application in […]
Industrial design registration in Peru
Registration of industrial designs in Peru – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the Peruvian market should use the Peruvian intellectual property system. It is paramount for businesses to file an industrial design application in Peru for industrial designs, even if the launch of the respective product on the […]
Trademark registration dossier in Canada
Trademark registration dossier in Canada. Canada is the second-largest country in the world. Canada has a highly developed economy and is among the wealthiest in the world, with the eighth-highest per capita income globally, and an index of 11th highest human development. Canada ranks among the highest in international comparisons for education, government transparency, civil […]