Registration of industrial designs in Romania

Registration of industrial designs in Romania

Registration of Industrial Designs in Romania – Any company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the Romanian market should use the Romanian intellectual property system.

Requirements for application for registration of industrial designs in Romania

The time limit for filing an industrial design application for the priority right in Romania is 6 months from the date of priority. The above period cannot be restored and extended.
The official language when registering an industrial design at the Romanian Intellectual Property Office is Romanian.
The following information and documents need to be provided in the application for registration of an industrial design in Romania:
  • request for registration of an industrial design in Romania;
  • name, address, and nationality of the applicant, business address, and statement of liability of the applicant in case the author waives the right to be named in the application and/or in the published design;
  • industrial design name;
  • the list of products using the industrial design;
  • describe the distinctive and novel elements of the claimed industrial design, as they appear in the drawings submitted with the application;
  • design drawings;
  • description of the industrial design;
In order to confirm the right of priority, the priority document must be submitted to the Romanian IP office within three months of the filing of the industrial design application in the form of an original or a certified copy. A Romanian translation of this document is not required unless requested by the Romanian IP Office.
Consular legalization of power of attorney is not required. An applicant may late file a power of attorney upon specific request. The deadline for late submission of Power of Attorney is 15 days from the date of application.

Examination of industrial design applications in Romania

The examination of an industrial design application in Romania will be conducted within 12 months from the date of publication of the application. No specific request from the applicant is required for the substantive examination to proceed.

Validity period and renewal of industrial designs in Romania

12 months from the date of publication of the industrial design information prior to the filing date or the priority date of the application, in the case of a claimed priority, the disclosure of the design information will not negate the novelty of the industrial designs according to Romanian law.
Industrial designs in Romania will be valid for ten years from the filing date and can be renewed three more times within a period of five years.

Represented by an industrial design registration attorney

An international applicant for registration of an industrial design in Romania should conduct an industrial design search in Romania through a law firm, an experienced industrial design attorney, or an industrial design attorney.

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