Legal Articles: Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design, Copyright, IPR in Finland
Legal Articles in Finland by Areas of Law
A Comprehensive Guide to Trademark Registration Dossier in Finland
Trademark registration is a critical step in safeguarding your brand’s identity and distinguishing your products or services in the Finnish market. This article provides an organized guide on how to prepare a trademark registration dossier in Finland, ensuring your intellectual property rights are protected. Procedure for Trademark Registration: Determine Trademark Eligibility: Ensure your proposed trademark […]
Legal notes to copyright registration in Finland
Copyright registration in Finland. Finland, officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country and a member state of the European Union in Northern Europe. After World War II, the country rapidly industrialized and developed an advanced economy, while building an extensive welfare state based on the Nordic model, resulting in widespread prosperity and a […]
Patent registration in Finland
Patent registration in Finland – Any company that owns a patent and intends to expand its business in the Finnish market or create long-term value as well as find investors for their patent or grant license their patents in the future should use the Finnish patent system. It is paramount for businesses to file a […]
Finland’s regulations regarding employee inventions and the obligations of inventors
The Act on the Right in Employee Inventions governs employee inventions in Finland. The Act, which has some statutory obligations, the rights and obligations of employee inventors in Finland are the subject of this article. Employee inventor rights Article 4 of the Act states that an inventor is the rightful owner of an invention, even […]
Legal notes to patent registration in Finland
Patent registration in Finland. Finland, officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country and a member state of the European Union in Northern Europe. After World War II, the country rapidly industrialized and developed an advanced economy, while building an extensive welfare state based on the Nordic model, resulting in widespread prosperity and a […]
Legal Notes to Trademark Registration in Finland
Since Finland is a “first to file” jurisdiction, trademark registration is required to get rights to a trademark. Unregistered trademarks can only be protected in exceptional circumstances. The applications for trademarks must be filed to the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). Considering Finland is a member of the European Union, European Union Trademarks (EUTM) […]
Protect your art from copyright infringement
Putting pen to paper, fingers on the keyboard, or using tools to make a sound, you’ve actually made something out of nothing. You are the legal owner of the work or sound, and laws exist to ensure that your intellectual property rights are properly protected. How does it happen? Copyright infringement is enforced more closely […]