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Founded in 1984, VCCI Intellectual Property Sole Member Company Limited (VCCI – IP CO., LTD.) under Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the pioneer and leading intellectual property agency in Vietnam.
Once after the establishment of National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP) in 1982 functioning as the state managing authority in establishing and protecting intellectual property rights in Vietnam, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), as the national organization uniting and representing for business community in the course of cooperation and promotion of commerce, investment and science-technology activities, was authorized by the Government as the exclusive representative for the registration and protection of intellectual property assets of foreign individuals/entities in Vietnam.
With this important mission, in 1984, VCCI set up Patent & Trademark Bureau (P&TB) to take the task authorized by the Government, functioning as the first and sole intellectual property agency of Vietnam at that time. Then, in conformity with new regulations of Law on Enterprises 2005, P&TB was changed its legal status to sole member company limited with its new name VCCI – IP CO., LTD, from February 12, 2007.
During over 30 years of practice, VCCI – IP has been continuously developing and enhancing the professional manner with the firmly asserted position as one of the largest and most prestigious IP agencies in Vietnam.
VCCI – IP has always completed successfully the mission as the representative of business community in the activities of commerce and investment promotion, especially in the task of consulting and representing for domestic and foreign enterprises to register and protect intellectual property rights and promote technology transfer as well. VCCI – IP’s intellectual property activities have not limited to the assistance for domestic and foreign enterprises to establish and enforce intellectual property rights in Vietnam but expanded to EU, United States, ASEAN countries etc., and to carry out international registration in accordance with international treaty or agreements.
VCCI – IP always strives for enhancing the professional manner in international standard in the course of provision of legal and technical services. VCCI – IP has cooperated with about 700 international law firms, represented for more than 1000 clients including many international leading corporations, multi-national companies, etc., notably Japanese enterprises such as NTT Docomo Telecommunication, Nippon Steel, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Sony, Panasonic, Hitachi, Sharp, Nissan, Toyota, Daiichi, Hitsamitsu, Ajinomoto, Shiseido etc. VCCI-IP has represented for around 40% Japanese patents and more than 60% foreign patent annuities filed in Vietnam. Annually, international and regional intellectual magazines, namely ManagingIP, AsiaIP have ranked VCCI-IP as one of best IP agents, patent attorneys of Vietnam.
In support of intellectual property propaganda for the business community, VCCI – IP often cooperates with the NOIP and other related authorities to organize IP training courses, workshops and seminars, especially in 2008, VCCI – IP cooperated with the NOIP to organize successfully two seminars on “Protection of IP Rights in Vietnam” in Osaka and Kobe, Japan. It was the first time that IP seminars were organized overseas by a Vietnamese IP agent from which we aimed at enhancing the awareness of Japanese enterprises to the renovation of Vietnam’s intellectual property system in conformity with TRIPS and international integration arena so that Japanese investors would get more confidence to protect their intellectual property assets and expand business in Vietnam.
VCCI – IP is also the membership of International Associations such as the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), the International Trademark Association (INTA) and the Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA), etc. With a strong team of more than 60 experienced and devoted lawyers, attorneys and technical experts in various fields, VCCI – IP always commits itself to bring the best services based on close and opportune coordination with clients in establishing and protecting effectively intellectual property rights in Vietnam and foreign countries. For over 30 years of practice, VCCI-IP has affirmed its role and standing toward the development of Vietnam’s intellectual property system.