First things first
A good idea can change the world, give shape to a thought, give a boost to the economy. The aim always being to make the world a better place to live in. But for an idea to become an innovation, it must be legally protected. This is the service we provide – making sure that your innovation is safe from imitation.
It is inconceivable that these pioneers would not have had their ideas legally protected: Thomas A. Edison, who revolutionised electricity. Henry Bessemer, the first to mass-produce steel. And George M. Pullman, who invented sleeping compartments for railway trains. These important inventions form part of the history of science. These men changed the world with their inventions – and the founders of our patent law firm in Vienna would probably have been personally acquainted with them, for all three were clients of our firm, which was set up in 1851.
Turning unique ideas into profit-yielding innovations is a tremendous challenge. This is precisely what our clients do: they make the world a better place with their ideas. We support them in a decisive stage of the process – from filing a patent application, to the examination of the patent claims, to enforcement of our clients’ rights in court. We ensure that our clients’ ideas will always be what they started out as: unique ideas.
The world is full of ideas capable of achieving great things. And often it is the small inventions that give rise to trailblazing achievements. Be it a patent, a utility model, a brand or a design – we will protect your invention and defend your rights. In Austria, in Europe, and throughout the world. Choosing us as your patent attorneys is already a good idea!
Always there for you, fighting for your ideas
SONN & PARTNER, based in Vienna, is a leading Austrian firm of attorneys specialising in the protection of intellectual property rights. As patent attorneys, we have been successfully protecting and defending our clients’ intellectual property since 1851. With over 40 staff members, we have optimum expertise and many years of experience in the registration and enforcement of our clients’ property rights. Our patent attorneys are authorised to represent our clients in their dealings with Austrian and European authorities and courts.
We support our national and international clients with tailor-made advice on all matters relating to patents, trademarks and designs covered by Austrian, European and international law. We have over 160 years of experience in the protection of intellectual property rights, making us a competent partner in all aspects of patents, utility models, trademarks and designs – covering all areas of technology and all kinds of products.
Our longstanding relationships with the top law firms in Europe, Asia and America give our clients a decisive advantage when it comes to protecting their ideas. Naturally, our staff will deal with your case in whatever language is necessary.
In short: at SONN & PARTNER, specialist competence in all technical areas comes as standard. We fulfill your expectations. We pride ourselves on being pragmatic “idea protectors”, placing all our experience and wide-ranging perspectives at your disposal, and always focused on success and achievement for our clients.