Martini Manna Avvocati provides highly specialised assistance and consultancy services for the registration, exploitation and protection of all the intellectual property rights: trademarks, domain names, geographical indications, designations of origin, designs, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, new plant varieties and topographies of semiconductor products.
The firm’s partners have over ten years’ experience in IP rights litigation, including cross border issues. Some of the proceedings in which the firm’s founding partners were directly involved contributed to forming the current Italian case law, in particular, in the field of the so-called bolar clause, the industrial design copyright protection and the sui generis database right.
In some cases, IP rights protection begins with customs monitoring programmes which the firm starts and manages on behalf of its clients; such monitoring programmes in fact are capable of detecting and blocking counterfeit products.
In non-contentious cases, the firm’s professionals assist their clients directly, dealing with the registration of trademarks, designs and copyright (where applicable) as well as identifying and coordinating with the most suitable professionals for patents registration. They also deal with the drafting and negotiating of licence agreements and other commercial agreements promoting the IP rights economic exploitation, as well as with due diligence for clients interested in investing in the acquisition of third parties’ IP rights. Finally, they provide assistance to their clients in the predisposition of preventive technical and contractual measures aimed at ensuring security and protecting trade secrets and source codes.
The firm’s latest experiences include:
- action for declaration of patent non-infringement on behalf of a British company active in the medical devices industry
- action for declaration of copyright infringement on behalf of a global leading Swiss company in the field of high-end design furniture;
- action for declaration of a trade secrets violation on behalf of a leading Italian company in the metal industry;
- action for declaration of sui generis databases right infringement on behalf of a leading Italian IT company;
- defence against an action for declaration of trademark infringement on behalf of a primary Italian office products reseller, based on exhaustion of trademark rights;
- action for declaration of registered designs infringement on behalf of an Italian company active in the commercialisation of pop-up postcards ;
- trademarks due diligences on behalf of a primary Spanish investment fund;
- drafting and filing an original format for multimedia work with SIAE, the Italian copyright collecting agency;
- software registration with the American Copyright Office on behalf of a well-known company active in the field of devices for automotive repair shops, and EU trademark registration of the related graphical interfaces.