Legal Articles: Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design, Copyright, IPR
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Trademark registration in Hong Kong
Trademark registration is an important activity for businesses wishing to do business in the Hong Kong market, the rights to the trademark in Hong Kong will be granted to the individual or company using the trademark first. Requirements when filing a trademark application in Hong Kong The official languages for trademark registration at the Hong […]
Trademark registration in France
Trademark registration is an important activity for businesses wishing to do business in the French market, the right to a trademark in France will be granted to the individual or company using that mark for the first time in France. Requirements when filing a trademark application in France The official language when registering a trademark […]
Trademark registration in Denmark
Trademark registration in Denmark is a very important activity for businesses wishing to do business in this market, the rights to the mark in Denmark will be granted to the individual or company using the mark for the first. Requirements when filing a trademark application in Denmark The official language when registering a trademark at […]
Trademark registration in the Czech Republic
Trademark registration in the Czech Republic is an important procedure for businesses wishing to do business in this market, the rights to the mark in the Czech Republic will be granted to the individual or company using the trademark first. Requirements when filing a trademark application in the Czech Republic The official language when registering […]
Trademark registration in China
Trademark registration is a necessary procedure for businesses wishing to do business in the China market, the rights to the trademark in China will be granted to the individual or company using the mark for the first time. Requirements when filing a trademark application in China The official language when registering a trademark at the […]
Patent registration in Portugal
Patent registration in Portugal – Any company that owns a patent and plans to expand its business in the Portuguese market, and create lasting value and find investors for its patent they or their patent licensors in the future should use the Portuguese patent system. It is paramount for businesses to file a patent application […]
Patent registration in Finland
Patent registration in Finland – Any company that owns a patent and intends to expand its business in the Finnish market or create long-term value as well as find investors for their patent or grant license their patents in the future should use the Finnish patent system. It is paramount for businesses to file a […]
Patent registration in Poland
Patent registration in Poland – Any company that owns a patent and plans to expand its business in the Polish market or create lasting value as well as find investors for their patent or grant license their patents in the future should use the Polish patent system. It is of paramount importance for businesses to […]
Legal notes to copyright registration in Scotland
Copyright registration in Scotland. Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Scotland has a Western-style open mixed economy closely linked with the rest of the UK and the wider world. Scotland was one of the industrial powerhouses of Europe from the time of the Industrial Revolution onwards, being a world leader […]
Legal notes to copyright registration in Singapore
Copyright registration in Singapore. Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign island city-state in maritime Southeast Asia. Singapore is the only country in Asia with a AAA sovereign rating from all major rating agencies. This country is a major financial and shipping hub and has been identified as a tax haven. Singapore is […]