Legal Articles: Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design, Copyright, IPR
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Origin of Global Trademark Law
The first intellectual property law concerning trademarks in the world can be traced back to ancient times, although it was not recognized as an official legal system as we understand it today. Nevertheless, the concept of trademarks at that time emerged to differentiate goods or services and protect the rights of creators. One of the […]
Industrial design registration in Denmark
Registration of industrial designs in Denmark – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in Denmark should use the Denmark intellectual property system. It is paramount for businesses to file an industrial design application in Denmark for industrial designs, even if the launch of the respective product […]
Industrial design registration in Czech Republic
Registration of industrial designs in the Czech Republic – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in the Czech Republic should use the Czech Republic’s intellectual property system. It is paramount for businesses to file an industrial design application in the Czech Republic for industrial designs, even […]
Industrial design registration in Taiwan
Registration of industrial designs in Taiwan – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in Taiwan should use Taiwan’s intellectual property system. It is paramount for businesses to file an industrial design application in Taiwan for industrial designs, even if the launch of the respective product on […]
Industrial design registration in Sweden
Registration of industrial designs in Sweden – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in Sweden should use Sweden’s intellectual property system. It is paramount for businesses to file an industrial design application in Sweden for industrial designs, even if the launch of the respective product on […]
Industrial design registration in Thailand
Registration of industrial designs in Thailand – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in Thailand should use Thailand’s intellectual property system. It is paramount for businesses to file an industrial design application in Thailand for industrial designs, even if the launch of the respective product on […]
Industrial design registration in South Korea
Registration of industrial designs in South Korea – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in South Korea should use the intellectual property system of South Korea. It is paramount for businesses to file an industrial design application in South Korea for industrial designs, even if the […]
Industrial design registration in Spain
Registration of industrial designs in Spain – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in Spain should use Spain’s intellectual property system. It is paramount for companies to file an industrial design application in Spain for industrial designs, even if the launch of the respective product on […]
Industrial design registration in Portugal
Registration of industrial designs in Portugal – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in Portugal should use Portugal’s intellectual property system. It is paramount for companies to file an industrial design application in Portugal for industrial designs, even if the launch of the respective product on […]
Industrial design registration in Hong Kong
Registration of industrial designs in Hong Kong – Every company that owns an industrial design and intends to expand its business in the market in Hong Kong should use Hong Kong’s intellectual property system. It is paramount for companies to file an industrial design application in Hong Kong for industrial designs, even if the launch of […]