Legal Articles: Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design, Copyright, IPR
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Trademark Registration in Georgia
Because Georgia is a “first to file” jurisdiction, trademark registration is required to get rights to a trademark. Unregistered trademarks can only be protected in rare circumstances. Trademark applications must be submitted to Georgia’s National Intellectual Property Center (Sakpatenti). Georgia is a member of the Madrid Protocol as well. As a result, this country can […]
Trademark registration in Estonia
Because Estonia is a “first to file” country, trademark registration is required to get rights to a trademark. Unregistered trademarks can only be protected in rare circumstances. Applications for trademarks must be submitted with the Estonian Patent Office (EPA). Because Estonia is a member of the European Union, European Union Trademarks (EUTM) are protected in […]
Legal notes to copyright registration in Colombia
Copyright registration in Colombia. Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia, is a transcontinental country spanning South America and an insular region in North America. Colombia is one of the world’s seventeen megadiverse countries and has the second-highest level of biodiversity in the world. Its territory encompasses the Amazon rainforest, highlands, grasslands, and deserts, and it […]
Nigerian Trademark Registration Requirements and Procedure
Trademarks have grown in importance as one of the most valuable intangible assets of any company throughout the years. Trademarks are important in branding because they provide businesses and their products a distinct identity. The requirements and procedures for trademark registration in Nigeria will be discussed in today’s post. What is the definition of a […]
Legal notes to copyright registration in China
Copyright registration in China. China, officially the People’s Republic of China, is a country in East Asia. China is the world’s largest economy by GDP at purchasing power parity, the second-largest economy by nominal GDP, and the world’s second-wealthiest country by total wealth. The country has a fast-growing major economy and is the world’s largest […]
Legal notes to copyright registration in Costa Rica
Copyright registration in Costa Rica. Costa Rica, officially the Republic of Costa Rica, is a country in Central America. The country has consistently performed favorably in the Human Development Index (HDI), placing 62nd in the world as of 2020, and fifth in Latin America. It also performs well in comparisons of the state of democracy, […]
Legal notes to patent registration in Ethiopia
Patent registration in Ethiopia. Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a landlocked country in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia is a multiethnic state with 80 different ethnic groups. Christianity is the largest religion followed by Islam. This sovereign state is a founding member of the UN, the Group of 24 (G-24), the […]
Trademark franchising in Nigeria: the impact of the NOTAP Act and what brands need to know
Foreign brand owners may be interested in the Nigerian market for a variety of reasons. The first is Nigeria’s large population, which totals more than 200 million people. The second reason is that Nigeria is a huge consumer nation, and the third is that fast-moving consumer items are quite popular there. In Nigeria, there are […]
Legal notes to patent registration in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic, also known by its short-form name, Czechia, formerly known as Bohemia, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The Czech Republic is a unitary parliamentary republic and developed country with an advanced, high-income social market economy. It is a welfare state with a European social model, universal health care, and tuition-free university […]
Legal notes to patent registration in Ecuador
Patent registration in Ecuador. Ecuador, officially the Republic of Ecuador, is a country in northwestern South America. Ecuador is one of 17 megadiverse countries in the world. This country hosts many endemic plants and animals, such as those of the Galápagos Islands. In recognition of its unique ecological heritage, the new constitution of 2008 is […]