Tag Archives: Trademark Registration in the Czech Republic

Trademark registration in the Czech Republic

Trademark registration in the Czech Republic

Trademark registration in the Czech Republic is an important procedure for businesses wishing to do business in this market, the rights to the mark in the Czech Republic will be granted to the individual or company using the trademark first. Requirements when filing a trademark application in the Czech Republic The official language when registering […]

Trademark Registration in the Czech Republic

Trademark Registration in the Czech Republic

Because the Czech Republic is a “first to file” nation, trademark registration is required to obtain rights to a trademark. Unregistered trademarks can only be protected in exceptional instances. Trademark applications must be filed with the Czech Republic’s Industrial Property Office (UPV). The Czech Republic is also a member of the European Union, which means […]

Trademark registration in the Czech Republic

Trademark registration in the Czech Republic

Trademark registration in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic, also known by its short-form name, Czechia, formerly known as Bohemia, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The Czech Republic is a unitary parliamentary republic and developed country with an advanced, high-income social market economy. It is a welfare state with a European social model, […]